This week, 87yr old Heather McFadgen from Timaru became our oldest customer.

3 generations enjoy family fun
Heather came out with 6 other family members covering 3 generations. I have to admit I was a little concerned about how Heather would get on. Daughter Rachel, assured me she was steady on her feet. I took a few extra steps to ensure her safety and she did great!
I got Heather up and going first to give her a bit of extra practice time. She had no trouble mastering the Segway controls and getting through the training period. When 2 generations younger Grace stepped on for the first time she exclaimed “I can’t do this!”. After her initial panic (and perhaps not wanting to be shown up by Heather), Grace soon got past this and was confidently weaving around all over the place.
The whole family successfully negotiated the Queenstown Bay and Gardens circuit. That included a speed change to go faster before entering the Queenstown Gardens. The little hills we encounter were also no problem. The Segways were an activity which all 3 generations could enjoy. They got a fun new adventure and a sense of achievement.
New active experience for all

The family had been holidaying in Queenstown most years for the past 34 years after the purchase of a timeshare back then. This was everyone’s first Segway experience though. While fact checking for this blog, Rachel informed me that there were a few sore hips, rears and feet the next day. It’s funny that many people perceive the Segways as a passive activity. Jump on a jet boat and you’re a passenger but step on a Segway and you’re in control. Control that is achievable for young and old.
The previous title for our oldest customer went to Gerald Smith who came out with his wife Ruth in 2020 when he was 85yrs old. Well done Heather for gaining the title. Will anyone else be coming along to challenge Heather’s title?

The Real Person!
The Real Person!
I’ve just received news that Gerald will be coming back in Spring to regain his title. Great stuff Gerald!!! I look forward to seeing you then.
The Real Person!
The Real Person!
Gerald has done it! He’s regained his title as oldest customer at 88yrs old.